AWS CLI Cheatsheet

Supercharge your daily acitivities related to AWS cloud using the combination of AWS CLI and JQ.


⚠️ Disclaimer: All Resource, Account, ARN, Hostname etc are generated using Faker. They should not match any real user data.

➡️ If you have multiple AWS Accounts, you can use bash aliases like the following. So you no longer need to pass --profile to aws tool repeatedly.

alias aws-prod="aws --profile work-prod"
alias aws-dev="aws --profile work-dev"
alias aws-self="aws --profile personal"
alias aws="aws --profile work-dev"

➡️ To format aws command output into pretty tables, you can pipe the output to column -t.

# aws ec2 describe-instances | jq ...
i-0f112d652ecf13dac c3.x2large
i-0b3b5128445a332db t2.nano

# aws ec2 describe-instances | jq ... | column -t
i-0f112d652ecf13dac  c3.x2large
i-0b3b5128445a332db  t2.nano